[CALL] Ernst Mach-Grant (worldwide)


Deadline: 1 Feb / 1 Sep 2025

For incoming prae-docs and post-docs (up to the age of 35).

Country of origin: All except Austria
Target country: Austria

Target group: Postgraduates, PhD students, PhD holders, post docs (Maximum age: 35 years (born on or after 01 October 1989)

Duration: 1 to 9 months

Grant benefit paid: Supplementary grant, own funds are required

  • Applicants must not have lived/studied/pursued research/pursued academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the grant. Applicants who are already permanently residing in Austria or who have completed their academic education mainly in Austria are not eligible to apply.

The scholarship will only be granted for projects that can be completed within the scholarship period (max. 9 months).

Last updated: 12.12.2024