The 5th KoEF Call for funding is open from 10 December 2024 until 28 February 2025.
Due to new regulations set by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), only Austrian Higher Education Institutions or Austrian Research Institutions are able to submit and coordinate a project. However, as in previous years, project consortia must consist of at least one Austrian public university or research performing institution and at least one partner institution in the Global South. Therefore partner institutions in the Global South are eligible as project partners.
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Only researchers (post docs) affiliated with an Austrian public university or research performing institution are eligible for application, submission and coordination of a project. The project coordinator that submits the project proposal will also assume overall responsibility for coordinating the project and for reporting. The funds are to be handled via a bank account of the institution.
Minimum qualification for the project coordinator is a PhD. Partner coordinators and team members need to be at least PhD students (MA students are not eligible).
- Researchers from at least one public university or research performing institution located in Austria and one state-accredited university or research performing institution in any country of the Global South classified as “least developed countries”, “other low income countries” and “lower middle income countries and territories” (excl. India) as defined in the DAC-list of the OECD 2022/2023 must be involved in each project.
Applications have to be submitted via the StipOnline portal before the deadline.
Applications can only be submitted via the StipOnline portal. The basic data for the project must be entered in this portal and the completed application documents uploaded.
You can find the Guidelines for the 5th Call, the Application Documents and the link to the StipOnline portal in the column following the link below.
Please note: there is another open call with similar conditions (OeAD Africa-UniNet). Important: Double funding with an KoEF Call project is not permitted. An equivalent submission in both calls should be avoided.