The Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy and the Service Unit Research Services and Career Development, University of Vienna, invite interested researchers (Faculty members only) to participate in the workshop “Exploring Citizen Science": After a short introduction on citizen science as method (including advantages and problems, pitfalls and learnings from projects), the participants are developing and discussing ideas for citizen science projects.
5 Dec 2018, 15:30 – 18:00
Coaching-Workshop “Exploring Citizen Science" (in English)
In cooperation with Research Services and Career Development, University of Vienna
With experts from the Citizen Science Network Austria and the Center for Earth Observation and Citizen Science at IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis):
• Daniel Dörler and Florian Heigl, Founders and coordinators of the Citizen Science Network Austria and its associated online platform Österreich forscht (
• Ian McCallum, Researcher at the Center for Earth Observation and Citizen Science (EOCitSci) at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Introduction Citizen Science – background, method, examples, do’s and don’ts
Project discussion and coaching on how to develop citizen science projects for the specific research areas of participants.