Marietta Blau grant for José Manuel Perez Martinez


José Manuel Perez Martinez, PhD-student at the Department of Astrophysics, has been awarded a 12-month Marietta Blau grant to visit the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and study the evolution of galaxies in distant galaxy clusters.

José Manuel Perez Martinez, PhD student of Bodo Ziegler at the Department of Astrophysics, started his research stay at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias in February. He will mainly work with Helmut Dannerbauer on projects studying the evolution of galaxies in distant galaxy clusters.

The research of Perez is focused on the evolution of the physical properties of galaxies in clusters at high redshift. In his Phd thesis he uses VLT data to study how star-forming galaxies are affected by living in clusters across cosmic time.

  • The Marietta Blau Grant of the oead offers financial support for six- to twelve-month study periods abroad for doctoral or PhD students of Austrian universities. It serves to optimise their dissertations. Junior researchers are the main target group. Further Information: oead




Bodo Ziegler (left) and José Manuel Perez MartinezCopyright: Bodo Ziegler, University of Vienna.

Prof. Dr. Bodo Ziegler (left) with PhD-Student José Manuel Perez Martinez from the Department of Astrophysics, who is now studying at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. (Picture taken during the IAU Meeting in Vienna; Copyright: Bodo Ziegler, University of Vienna)