Talks & BBQ 2024: Meet the "Faculty for Exploration"!
© A. Straub-Kaserer
Meet the „Faculty for Exploration“: On 13 June 2024, the Faculty again was inviting staff members and alumni/ae to a joint Talks & BBQ evening: Alumni Florian Freistetter (Astrophysicist and "Science Buster") and Karin Krobath (Geography / company founder) as well as two staff members - palaeontologist Theresa Nohl and geoecologist Stephan Glatzel - reported on their respective research and work contexts.
On 13 June 2024, the Talks & BBQ 2024 - Meet the "Faculty for Exploration" took place from 17:00 at the observatory and again, all alumni/ae, faculty staff and student representatives were invited. Many thanks to the speakers for the exciting presentations, to the winners of the photo competition for presenting their photos - and to everyone else for being there, joining in the discussions and celebrating...
17:00 Welcome
- Welcome words
- Rainer Abart, Dean Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy
- Glenn van de Ven, Head Department of Astrophysics
- Katrin Qerreti, Alumni Communications UNIVIE
- Lost in Transition: Tracking Aragonite Dissolution through the Phanerozoic
Talk Theresa Nohl (Tenure-Track Professorship Geobiology) - Restoring Austrian Mires in times of rapid change
Stephan Glatzel (Professorship Geoecology)
- Erfolgreich scheitern als Astronom
Florian Freistetter (Astrophysiker und "Science Buster") - Neuem Mindset auf die Sprünge helfen: Wie man Geografie, Employer Branding und die Innovationskultur Ostafrikas beruflich integriert
Karin Krobath (Unternehmensgründerin)
"Snapshots of Exploration"
Award ceremony or the Faculty's Students' Photo Competition "Snapshots of Exploration" 2024
VISESS "Out of the Box"
- Closing words Glenn van de Ven (VISESS director)
- Presentation of art works / exhibition "Out of the Box: Creativity in Research"
approx. 18:45 Come-together and BBQ
... we are looking forward to welcoming you!
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