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Join this Faculty-internal workshop on 28.11.2023, 9:00-12:00 to get informed about definitions / regulations, identify problem areas and create ideas...


Der UNIVIE-Online-Kurs "Hochschullehre - inklusiv & divers" setzt sich mit diversitätsbewusster Lehre auseinander - einem wichtigen Thema für Lehrende...


Astrophysics students present an LGBT+ exhibit in the Observatory's Round Hall as part of Pride Month.

Research (EN)

Science is fascinating, impactful, multifaceted - and female, too! To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we have compiled...


Interested Faculty members are warmly invited to join a half-day workshop to share ideas for gender-sensitive steps at FGGA - register till Nov 4!

Research (EN)

Since Jocelyn Bell Burnell started studying Physics in the University of Glasgow in 1961, she knew being a woman in science was not going to be easy....


"Picture a Scientist": Gender and Diversity @ FGGA - Register now for the Online Screening of the documentary and the Panel Discussion on 24 May 2022!

Research (EN)

In December 2021, the mineralogist Manuela Zeug has been awarded the Marie Jahoda scholarship of the University of Vienna. Mineralogy, she says, is...

Research (EN)

The geographer Sabine Kraushaar and the astrophysicist Sylvia Plöckinger receive the Marie Jahoda Grant of the University of Vienna. Eleven grants...

Research (EN)

Science is fascinating, impactful, multifaceted - and female, too! To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we have compiled...

Forschung (DE)

Positive Trends, aber auch viel Handlungsbedarf für unsere Fakultät im Bereich Gender und Diversität orten Waltraud Schlögl (Abteilung Gleichstellung...


On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2021, women of different Faculties at the University of Vienna are organizing an online film...