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The European Southern Observatory, of which Austria is part, celebrated its 60th anniversary. The Department of Astrophysics took take part in the...


A report from the UN Climate Conference by Lukas Brunner from the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. For him, the inclusion of young people is...

International (EN)

A group from the OeAD in charge of the Scientific & Technological Cooperation programmes (S&T, in German WTZ) visited Tamara Đorđević, senior...

International (EN)

In her research Anna Kajosaari is using digital participatory mapping methods to understand how urban environments support pupulation health and...

Research (EN)

New paper in Earth Science Reviews with collaboration of geologist Michael Wagreich discusses the question, if the Anthropocene should be formalised...


The Astrophysicists Prashin Jethwa and Laurane Freour (VISESS branch "Cosmos") were part of the winning team "Vienna_Vision" at the UNIVIE-Hackathon...

International (EN)

Since his childhood in Pakistan, Shahid Iqbal has been interested in geology, especially in sedimentology. Nowadays, he is an expert on Paleoclimates...

Research (EN)

Andreas Stohl of the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics is part of the Consortium of a new European network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences...

International (EN)

The marine ecologist Fidji Berio is "passionate about chondrichthyans" and the broad range of methods to reveal often unsuspected histological and...

Study (EN)

Apply until 7 September and develop digital solutions for societal challenges from 19 till 21 September 2022!

International (EN)

"Cool problems" and mathematics as an "Ode to Joy": Dorian Abbot works on "big picture" problems about Earth and other planets. The climate scientist...

Research (EN)

Were Earth’s oceans completely covered by ice 700 million years ago? Using global climate models, a team of researchers from KIT and the University of...