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Visiting (EN)

In her research climate scientist Michela Biasutti looks “under the hood” of complex models and identifies simpler models of regional phenomena,...


Scientific advisor and performer: Lukas Brunner from the Climate Dynamics and Modelling group is part of the interactive theater performance “The...


VISESS Big Picture Talk on 9 June 2021: How will the weakened Gulf Stream impact the European climate - and what are the expected societal impacts?...

Research (EN)

Anthropocene Working Group discussed suggestions for global reference points, including lakes, sea bays and peatlands - also Vienna is listed

Research (EN)

Tungsten isotopes in seawater provide information on the co-evolution of Earth's mantle and continents: In a study published in the journal Nature...

Research (EN)

From embryo to turtle cracker: a team led by palaeobiologist Julia Türtscher from the University of Vienna studied the multiple changes in tooth shape...

International (EN)

Reconstructing environments of the past is "like a Sherlock Holmes riddle", says Theresa Nohl, who is currently visiting professor at our Faculty. In...

Research (EN)

Since Jocelyn Bell Burnell started studying Physics in the University of Glasgow in 1961, she knew being a woman in science was not going to be easy....


"Picture a Scientist": Gender and Diversity @ FGGA - Register now for the Online Screening of the documentary and the Panel Discussion on 24 May 2022!

Forschung (DE)

In his Lise Meitner project, Federico Casetta from the Department of Lithospheric Research at the University of Vienna investigates fragments of...

International (DE)

Im Laufe des kommenden Jahres werden 18 Fellows aus 16 Ländern an die Universität kommen - darunter Iris Breda, welche die Gruppe um Glenn van de Ven...

Research (EN)

A group of astronomers, including Alvaro Hacar from the Institute of Astrophysics of the University of Vienna, has analyzed the mass distribution of...