
Nachts auf der Sternwarte

Wie uns Astronomie lehrt, die Erde wertzuschätzen

Nachts auf der Sternwarte mit Laura Posch

Fr, 10.1.2025, 18:30, Sternwarte

VISESS & Doctoral Studies

How Can We Increase Resilience to Heat Under the Context of Climate Change?

Big Picture Event

Tue, 28.01.2024, 15:00, save the date


Erasmus Day 2025

Für alle Studierenden der FGGA

Mi, 29.012.2025, 15:00-16:30, UZA II

 News & Views

International (EN)

The Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2025 - ASHPC25 will take place from 19-22 May 2024 in Slovenia. The call for abstracts is open until Jan 10, 2025....

Visiting (EN)

In his research, Ugur Öztürk - expert on the intersection of natural hazards and urban activities at the GFZ in Potsdam - explores how human...

Visiting (EN)

In her research, Giuliana Panieri is concentrating on micropaleontology in extreme environments of the ocean. Among other topics, the geologist at the...

Forschung (DE)

International consortium receives 300 million euros over the next three years - Astrophysicist Bodo Ziegler member of the steering committee

Research (EN)

A new study by scientists of the Anthropocene Working Group - among them Michael Wagreich from the University of Vienna - shows that Earth history...

Visiting (EN)

Currently visiting: David Fernández Remolar is Ida Pfeiffer Professor at our Faculty in the winter term 2024/25. In his research, the geobiologist is...


Our Faculty is a high performer in both research and teaching, and home to 28 professorships and five tenure-track professorships [more]


Cosmos, Earth, Environment, Anthroposphere: our research activities and inter-faculty initiatives [more]


More than 4,500 students benefit from our wide range of degree programmes [more]


Our seven departments at a glance [more]


Which professor covers which topic and might be your right contact person? No matter if you are a colleague, a student, or from the press [more] 


Research facilities and devices, collections, and special libraries at a glance [more]