

Enrolled students on average from winter semester 2021/22 to winter semester 2023/24, rounded numbers:


  • 580 bachelor in Astronomy
  • 80 master in Astronomy
  • 25 doctoral in Astronomy

Earth sciences

  • 255 bachelor in Earth Sciences
  • 190 master in Earth Sciences; Environmental Sciences (in English)
  • 45 doctoral in Earth Sciences; Environmental Sciences (in English)


  • 810 bachelor Geographie; 
  • 1540 bachelor teacher education Geography and economic education;
  • 560 master in Geography; Cartography and Geo-Information; Regional Research and Planning; Urban Studies (discontinued with winter term 2024/25)
  • 490 master in teacher education Geography and Economic Education
  • 40 doctoral in Geography



Meteorology & geophysics

  • 160 bachelor in Meteorology
  • 40 master in Meteorology (Physics of the Earth / Geophysics discontinued with summer term 2024)
  • 20 doctoral in Meteorology; Geophysics


4,750 students

47 % female

Note on statistics: Since a student can also pursue several studies, the total does not necessarily have to correspond to the individual lines.

Within the framework of internal university surveys, "Lehramt"-studies (teacher education) are counted with the factor 0,5, because they are always studying two different teaching subjects (reducing the total number of students to approx. 3,780 average winter semester 2021/22 to wintersemester 2023/24; withouth double studies).
