Outgoing Mobility for Students: Erasmus+ & More
A stay abroad during your studies is a great opportunity to get to know new countries, (knowledge) cultures, languages and people. One thing is certain: you will benefit from this experience for the rest of your life!
The Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy therefore invites all its students to get to know one of our partner universities (within the European Union and beyond) through one of the exchange programmes: ‘Go international’ with the Erasmus+ student exchange, an Erasmus+ internship, the scholarship for short-term academic stays or other exchange programmes. Find out more about the numerous opportunities below:
Why Erasmus+?
- Personal plus
Self-confidence, independence, ... - Academic plus
New approaches, different perspectives, ... - Career plus
Language skills, networking, employability,...
Erasmus+ student exchange: Europe's universities close at hand
Every year, numerous Bachelor's and Master's students from the University of Vienna study at one of the many partner universities via Erasmus+. They receive a mobility grant and are exempt from tuition fees. The courses completed abroad can be recognised by the University of Vienna with the agreement of the directorate of studies (specified in the Learning Agreement).
Use the overview of the faculty's partner universities or the Univie portal ‘Mobility Online’ to find out, which partner universities are available for your field of study, learn about the application process, the study visit and recognition of academic achievements (overview of the International Office of the University of Vienna) ... and embark on a period of new experiences, changed perspectives and international networks.
Erasmus+ student exchange: important information at a glance
- First information of the International Office on topics such as accommodation and financial support (please check this information before contacting the mobility coordinator!) Overview Erasmus+ International Office | Mobility Online
- Requirements: Target group, duration of stay, language certificate (no additional faculty criteria)
- Application: Upload required documents in Mobility Online - see application procedure & guide on how to create an application. Geography: Please also email a letter of motivation to the responsible mobility coordinator. See also: Tips on ‘My Study Career’ for successful motivation letters (German only)
- Application deadlines: main application round – deadline: 05 March; second application round for remaining places: 05 October (there are no earlier deadlines at our Faculty)
- Learning Agreement: Agreement on which courses will be recognised (the Student Service Centre will also be happy to answer additional questions about recognition and the Learning Agreement).
Information about the language certificate
General details on the required language certificate can be found on the website of the International Office; in Mobility Online you can find detailed information on which language is required for the respective stay and often further links or fact sheets that can be helpful. If two languages are listed, a language certificate in one of the two languages is sufficient for the application at the University of Vienna. Nevertheless, please check whether the partner university offers enough for you suitable courses in the preferred language.
The Language Centre of the University of Vienna offers Erasmus+ preparation courses; the costs can be partially refunded if your Erasmus+ nomination is successful. Language Competency Certificates can also be obtained from the Language Centre.
Where to go? The Erasmus+ partner universities of the Faculty
Filter by field of study!
Important Erasmus+ contact points
Erasmus+ information - International Office
The International Office offers extensive Erasmus+ information on the application process, duration, deadlines, registration at the host university, insurance cover, accommodation and much more - please consult this overview first! More
Erasmus+ Mobility Coordinators
The mobility coordinators of the various fields of study at the Faculty help with degree programme specific questions and coordination with the partner universities. More
The Faculty's StudiesServiceCentre and the directors of study programmes 28 and 29 provide support with questions regarding course recognition and the process (please inform yourself via the International Office beforehand). More (SSC)
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at the University of Vienna
Would you like to gain international experience before your Erasmus+ stay and get in touch with exchange students, perhaps even from your future host country? The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) of the University of Vienna is looking forward to your cooperation and new buddies!
See also: 10 Gründe, warum du ESN Buddy werden solltest (German only)
Non-EU Student Exchange Program, short-term grants abroad, traineeships and more
In addition to the classic Erasmus+ study visit, there are numerous options for organising a short or longer-term stay - from Erasmus+ traineeships to CEEPUS, blended intensive programmes, short-term grants abroad (KWA) or the Non-EU Student Exchange Program - the International Office provides an overview:
Overview International Office - further outgoing possibilities
- Short-term grants abroad (KWA)
- Erasmus+ traineeships
- Non-EU Student Exchange Program
- Erasmus+ International Mobility
- Circle U. Programme | Information from the International Office about Circle U.
- Blendend Intensive Programmes
... and more: Inform yourself in the detailed overview of the International Office!
Pure research work for the thesis
Through an Erasmus+ study stay pure research work for your thesis is unfortunately not possible, as this programme requires mandatory ECTS credits. However, this can alternatively be done in a very flexible way through the Erasmus+ traineenship programme (whether Bachelor, Master, or PhD) or KWA (Master or PhD).
With KWA, Fellowships and Co all the way to Harvard
"Mit KWA aus Wien nach Harvard"
Max ging im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit an die renommierte Harvard Medical School in den USA.
Forschen an einer univie-Partneruni
Doktorand Matthias Prikoszovits forschte mit dem Mobility Fellowship fünf Wochen lang an der University of Chicago zur Berufsorientierung.
Research from afar during Covid-19
In order to complete her joint master’s programme in Urban Studies, Lisbeth Huber would have traveled to Tanzania.
Erasmus+ is all around
4 testimonies on an Erasmus year
4 students who took an Erasmus year abroad are sharing their testimonies, in order to induce other students to do the same.