VizieR Online Data Catalog: CALIFA Survey DR3 list of galaxies (Sanchez+, 2016)

S. F. Sanchez, R. Garcia-Benito, S. Zibetti, C. J. Walcher, B. Husemann, M. A. Mendoza, L. Galbany, J. Falcon-Barroso, D. Mast, J. Aceituno, J. A. L. Aguerri, J. Alves, A. L. Amorim, Y. Ascasibar, D. Barrado-Navascues, J. Barrera-Ballesteros, S. Bekeraite, J. Bland-Hawthorn, M. Cano Diaz, R. Cid Fernandes, O. Cavichia, C. Cortijo, H. Dannerbauer, M. Demleitner, A. Diaz, R. J. Dettmar, A. de Lorenzo-Caceres, A. Del Olmo, A. Galazzi, B. Garcia-Lorenzo, Paz A. Gil de, R. Gonzalez Delgado, L. Holmes, J. Iglesias-Paramo, C. Kehrig, A. Kelz, R. C. Kennicutt, B. Kleemann, E. A. D. Lacerda, R. Lopez Fernandez, A. R. Lopez Sanchez, M. Lyubenova, R. Marino, I. Marquez, J. Mendez-Abreu, M. Molla, A. Monreal-Ibero, R. Ortega Minakata, J. P. Torres-Papaqui, E. Perez, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, M. M. Roth, P. Sanchez-Blazquez, U. Schilling, K. Spekkens, N. Vale Asari, R. C. E. van den Bosch, G. van de Ven, J. M. Vilchez, V. Wild, L. Wisotzki, A. Yildirim, B. Ziegler

There are two fundamentally different samples of galaxies in the CALIFADR3: (1) Galaxies that were targeted because they were part of the CALIFA mother sample that is fully described and characterized in Walcher et al. (2014A&A...569A...1W). This sample is called the CALIFA Main Sample. (2) The CALIFA Extension Sample, which is a heterogeneous set of galaxies observed for various reasons as part ofdifferent ancillary science projects within the CALIFA collaboration. The DR3 release is the combination of the Main Sample and the Extension Sample. (1 data file).

Department of Astrophysics
External organisation(s)
University of Groningen, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103003 Astronomy, 103004 Astrophysics
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