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Die UN-Klimakonferenz COP27 steht im Zeichen der Extreme: Lukas Brunner schreibt im Gastbeitrag über die Notwendigkeit Lösungen zu finden, um Schäden...

International (EN)

In her research Anna Kajosaari is using digital participatory mapping methods to understand how urban environments support pupulation health and...

International (EN)

Since his childhood in Pakistan, Shahid Iqbal has been interested in geology, especially in sedimentology. Nowadays, he is an expert on Paleoclimates...

Forschung (DE)

Ein Projektteam um Harald Sterly vom Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung erarbeitet geeinsam mit dem IOM eine Strategie, wie Migration in...

International (EN)

The marine ecologist Fidji Berio is "passionate about chondrichthyans" and the broad range of methods to reveal often unsuspected histological and...

International (EN)

"Cool problems" and mathematics as an "Ode to Joy": Dorian Abbot works on "big picture" problems about Earth and other planets. The climate scientist...

Visiting (EN)

In her research climate scientist Michela Biasutti looks “under the hood” of complex models and identifies simpler models of regional phenomena,...

International (EN)

Reconstructing environments of the past is "like a Sherlock Holmes riddle", says Theresa Nohl, who is currently visiting professor at our Faculty. In...

International (DE)

Im Laufe des kommenden Jahres werden 18 Fellows aus 16 Ländern an die Universität kommen - darunter Iris Breda, welche die Gruppe um Glenn van de Ven...

Forschung (DE)

Alves erhält einen ERC Advanced Grant für sein Projekt zur 3D-Beobachtung der Bewegung von interstellarem Gas. Insgesamt gehen vier ERC Advanced...

Visiting (EN)

Since March, the palaeontologist Peter Frenzel is visiting professor at the Department of Palaeontology. Driven by the "fascination of recreating lost...

Visiting (EN)

The new chapter of the IPCC climate report is clear: Climate change affects the planet, biodiversity, our lives in a severe way. Lisa Schipper,...