News & Views

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Visiting (EN)

Currently visiting: David Fernández Remolar is Ida Pfeiffer Professor at our Faculty in the winter term 2024/25. In his research, the geobiologist is...

Visiting (EN)

Currently visiting: In September 2024, astrophysicist Graham Smith joined the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy as Ida Pfeiffer...

International (EN)

Due to climate change, glaciers and ice-sheets worldwide are shrinking. Glacial geologist Bethan Davies, currently Ida Pfeiffer Professor at our...

Visiting (EN)

By looking outward towards planets we can look backwards and understand the history of our planet, explains Eric Gaidos, Ida Pfeiffer professor at the...

Visiting (EN)

Currently visiting: In March 2021, Stephen Mojzsis joined our Faculty as Ida Pfeiffer Professor. In his work, he explores the fundamental physical and...

Zu Gast (DE)

Das "Menschzeitalter" sei eine Diagnose für unseren Umgang mit der Natur, sagt Heike Egner, Ida Pfeiffer Gastprofessorin im Sommersemester 2020. Die...

Forschung (DE)

Die Korbmuschel ist ein Indikator für Sauerstoffkrisen - und damit für die genauere Datierung geologischer Schichten, zeigen Paläontolog*innen in...

Research (EN)

The astrophysicist Dan Whalen specializes in Supernovae and the formation of the first stars. Since March he works as Ida Pfeiffer Professor at the...

Research (EN)

Ida-Pfeiffer Professor Oscar Fernandez Bellon has 19 years of experience in academia and industry: "Testing and integrating with other disciplines,...

Research (EN)

Between June and November 2018, Gareth Clay from the University of Manchester is working as Ida Pfeiffer Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Earth...

Research (EN)

Until the end of November 2018, Gareth Clay from the University of Manchester, is working as Ida Pfeiffer Professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences,...

Forschung (DE)

Georg Feulner vom Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung ist bis Ende August als „Ida Pfeiffer-Professor“ an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften,...