Applied Sciences Initiative @ FGGA

At the Interface of Science and Society

The Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy is known for high-quality basic research, but is also well positioned in the field of Applied Sciences: Nearly a quarter of its third-party funding revenues over the past ten years has been derived from applied sciences funding sources.

With a view to enhancing the Faculty's applied research activities, a comprehensive strategy that incorporates several key initiatives has been developed. These include the establishment of an information platform at the Faculty level, targeted networking programs, and enhanced communication efforts.

Information platform

As a first step, a lot of information has been bundled on this website: Search for calls for proposals, research Applied Sciences projects and find out about internal and external networking events. In addition, as before, our project coordinator is available to all FGGA scientists as a contact person for questions regarding third-party funding. (To the third-party funding service)


At the Interface of Science and Society

Our definition of Applied Sciences encompasses not only contract research for companies or public authorities, but also research collaborations funded by FFG programmes, as well as engagement with NGOs and civil society; also citizen science projects, such as those supported through the citizen science initiative of our Faculty, represent a valuable form of applied sciences in the sense of "Science at the Interface of Science and Society".

For external partners

Interested in a joint research project? Our project coordinator Annekatrin Enge is happy to receive inquiries from partners from business, public administration and civil society!

FGGA Support at a Glance

  • FGGA Applied Sciences Information Platform
    • Continuous information about funding opportunities (website and newsletter)
    • Costumized support for individual scientists (information about calls, opportunities for collaboration)
  • FGGA Applied Sciences Networking Initiatives
    • Internal events to build an FGGA Applied Sciences Community
    • Contact point for external partners
  • FGGA Applied Sciences Communication
    • News coverage of internal events as well as external communication of new projects

 Third-party Funding Calls & Informational Events Applied Sciences

No news available.

 Applied Sciences Projects and News


Im Rahmen einer zehntägigen erdwissenschaftlichen Exkursion reisten Studierende und Lehrende im September auf die Kanarischen Inseln La Palma und...


In his research, Ugur Öztürk - expert on the intersection of natural hazards and urban activities at the GFZ in Potsdam - explores how human...


Das Gas Schwefelhexafluorid (SF6) ist ein viel stärkeres und unterschätztes Treibhausgas als CO2. In einer Studie von Meteorolog*innen der Universität...


Am 26. und 27. September fand am NIG der Universität Wien die dritte Ausgabe der „Evidence for Policy in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Summer School"...


Auch wenn der aktuelle Wetterumschwung aufatmen lässt: In den Höhenlagen erhöht sich nun die Gefahr für Rutschungen, Erdströme und Muren. Thomas Glade...


Der Naturgefahrenforscher untersucht im Projekt UrbanSlide das komplexe Hangrutschrisiko. Auch zwei weitere ERC Starting Grants gehen an die...

Previous events and initiatives

FGGA scientists with experience in applied projects came together in our networking event “Applied Sciences & Spring - Research at the Interface of Science and Society” on 27.04.2022 (NIG). Different projects were presented in flash talks and about 50 participants discussed obstacles, pitfalls and funding possibilities. More

In 2018-19 the Faculty launched a "Exploring Citizen Science" initiative in line with the "University of Vienna 2025" development plan. The aim of the initiative was to explore the possibilities and limits of citizen science as a method in the various research fields of the faculty and to encourage the networking of interested scientists. More

On 11 December 2019, the results of the initiative have been presented in the interdisciplinary networking event "Citizen Science & Advent". The project leaders of the "Exploring Citizen Science" projects reported on the results and experiences of their pilot studies. The event also provided an opportunity for networking among interested scientists from various disciplines and for considering possible further steps in the "Exploring Citizen Science" initiative. News (in German) | Programme