Maternity Leave Return Support

The aim of this programme is to facilitate a rapid re-entry into science for female postdocs of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy after the birth of a child and to minimise possible negative effects on their scientific careers.

Every female University Assistant Post-Doc and every Project staff Post-Doc may, upon return from maternity protection or maternity leave, apply once for up to EUR 7,500 for material expenses (e.g. freelance contracts, contracts for work, coaching, trainings or seminars, reimbursement of documented, eligible expenses for travelling to conferences/meetings). No lump sums can be considered.

Not eligible are, for instance, expenses for meals (exceptions: overnight stays including breakfast and so-called “conference dinners” for networking purposes). In addition, subsequent debits of flight costs from the financing cost centre or internal order of the University of Vienna for reasons of sustainability are not eligible (see At the time of their return, the remaining contract period must be at least twelve months. Moreover, they must be able to complete the project by the end of their contract period at the latest, but not later than two years after the approval.
Interested female scientists of the FGGA are asked to send their informal application by e-mail to including the following information:

a) date of birth of the child;
b) date of the planned return;
c) amount and planned use of the financial support applied for;
d) statement on how the requested funds are intended to support the re-entry into science; and
e) benefit for their own career development.
The application should be submitted, if possible, at least three months prior to the planned return to work.

After confirmation, applicant, subunit and Dean’s office will agree on an individual basis, when and how which funds will be made available. By 15th of December each year, the applicant shall send a short and meaningful report on the use of the funds in the current year and a plan for the use of the funds in the following year to Once the plan has been confirmed, the funds can be used accordingly in the following year. Deviations from the approved planning of more than 15% must be confirmed in advance by the responsible member of the dean's team.

(see internal area / Guidelines / Richtlinie der Fakultätsleitung zu Frauenförderung…)

Please note that in case of doubt the German version of this directive is binding.