Promotion of Acquisition of Third-party Funds
The faculty management encourages the scientists of the Faculty to be active and committed to the acquisition of large and prestigious third-party funded projects. To support and acknowledge these efforts, the Faculty provides the following means of assistance:
1. Third-party Funds / Personnel support:
Faculty members can apply for personnel support for every project proposal for third-party funded projects with a funded project volume of > EUR 400,000 (i.e. excluding in-kind) to the credit of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy. Prerequisites are that the project has reached the second proposal stage in a competitive process and that the full proposal for the project will be verifiably submitted later. This personnel support takes the form of resources for the “minor employment” (Geringfügige Beschäftigung). Such an employment may be concluded for the period of the preparation of the full proposal, but for no longer than a period of four months. If the funding agency merely assesses formal criteria during the first proposal stage, the process is not considered competitive. Please send your informal application, including the funding agency’s invitation to submit the full proposal, to in due time. Upon approval, the applicant, subunit and Dean’s office agree on the further procedure.
2. Third-party Funds / Financial assistance for travel expenses:
For the verifiable completion of a project proposal for a third-party funded project (excluding FWF Principal Investigator Projects, FWF International Programmes) with a funded project volume of > EUR 400,000 (i.e. excluding in-kind) to the credit of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy, faculty members have the opportunity to apply for financial assistance for travel expenses (once per project) of up to 50 % of the costs, but to no more than EUR 1,000. Financial support is limited to refunds of documented, eligible expenses; therefore lump sums cannot be taken into consideration. Not eligible are, for instance, expenses for meals (exceptions: overnight stays including breakfast and so-called “conference dinners” for networking purposes). In addition, subsequent debits of flight costs from the financing cost centre or internal order of the University of Vienna for reasons of sustainability are not eligible (see Applications for less than EUR 500 will not be granted due to the high administrative effort. This procedure complies with the Faculty’s financial support programme for the promotion of research and excellence.
3. Third-party Funds / Support for proof reading:
Faculty members can apply for financial support for an external proof reader / scientific editor for every project proposal with a funded project volume of > EUR 400,000 (i.e. excluding in-kind) to the credit of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy. It needs to be submitted to an EU-funding programme. This support is granted once per project application in the maximimum amount of EUR 2,000. Applications for less than EUR 500 will not be granted due to the high administrative effort. This procedure complies with the Faculty’s financial support programme for the promotion of research and excellence.
4. Third-party Funds / Bonuses:
4.1 The Faculty grants faculty members a bonus in the amount of EUR 2,000 for each verifiably submitted third-party funded project proposals (excluding FWF Principal Investigator Projects, FWF International Programmes). This applies to every full third-party funded project proposal with a funded project volume of > EUR 400,000 (i.e. excluding in-kind) to the credit of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy.
4.2 For Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (Incomings) and their host at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy, the Faculty awards an MSCA bonus in the amount of EUR 1,000 each.
4.3 For PIs at the Faculty within the framework of MSCA-Doctoral Networks, the Faculty grants an MSCA bonus in the amount of EUR 2,000.
These bonuses are to be used for research purposes. To receive such a bonus, please send an informal notification to Upon approval, the applicant, subunit and Dean’s office agree on the further procedure.
Please note that in case of doubt the German version of this directive is binding.
"Freiräume schaffen"
With the concept "Freiräume schaffen" the Rectorate aims to relieve UNIVIE scientists during the application phase of large, prestigious third-party funded projects (ERC CoG or ERC AdG/SynG, FWF SFB (Lead), FWF doc.funds (Lead), WWTF VRG, EU cooperation projects (Lead), CD labs or equivalent). The relief can take the form of reduced teaching obligations or the provision of a student assistant.
- Deadline for applications for WiSe 2025/26: call closed
- Faculty internal deadline for applications for SoSe 2026: August 24, 2025
- Please send applications to and please contact the third-party funding service of the FGGA in advance
Detailed information in the univie-intranet
Project Calls of Funding Organisations
To support you in your search for appropriate external funding programmes, we provide a selection of open calls tendered by national and international funding organisations.