Public Science

Climate change, stars, fossils and rocks and urban planning: The Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy is doing research and teaches in areas that are also of great interest to the general public. We are committed to a rich transfer of knowledge – from the mobile planetarium and the "Kinderuni" or the Long Night of Research to lecture series such as "Nachts auf der Sternwarte" (At night at the observatory) and Citizen Science projects.

 News & views


Science is fascinating, impactful, multifaceted - and female, too! To mark the International Women's Day on March 8 and the Day of Women and Girls in...

Studium (DE)

Lehrende und Studierende der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geographie und Astronomie sind aufgerufen, bis 16.04.2025 hervorragende Lehre für einen...

Core Facilities

The Core Facility Electron Beam Microanalysis (CFE) was officially opened on 13.03.2025 in the presence of Vice-Rector Hautsch and Vice-Dean Glatzel...

 Public science initiatives at the Faculty

  • „Astronomy To Go“ – The mobile planetarium
  • The "Astronomy To Go"-team visits schools to support scientific and astronomical education with the inflatable mobile planetarium. The shows are given by trained astronomers and students of the Institute of Astrophysics. The programme focusses on children between the ages of 6 and 18, but is adaptable for other age groups.
    To the mobile planetarium

  • Hyperglobus - the Earth on a scale of 1:10 million
  • Andreas Riedl and his team at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research offer amazing insights and views of the Earth with a globe 1.2 metres in diameter - one can see animations of weather processes, continental drift, flight movements or climate change.
    For interested people of all ages!
    More on the homepage of Andreas Riedl

  • Nachts auf der Sternwarte – public lecture series
  • The Department of Astrophysics at the University of Vienna organizes the lecture series “Nachts auf der Sternwarte” with a comprehensive program of lectures on various topics of astrophysics. The lectures are generally understandable, accessible to all, and are presented in either English or German.
    Public lecture series "Nachts auf der Sternwarte"

  • Children's university and mobile children's university
  • Space, glacier melting and fossils in sea sand as well as the city of the future: the Faculty of Earth -Sciences, Geography and Astronomy is represented annually at the Vienna Children's University (e.g. 2019 and 2018) with many different topics. Researchers from the Faculty of Explorers are also involved in the mobile children's university.
    See the website of the “Kinderuni”

  • Collections of the Faculty
  • Whether you are interested in geology, the Observatory Museum, the Mineral or Palaeontological Collection or the Wall Map Collection of the geography department: The twelve collections of the Faculty of Earth Science, Geography and Astronomy are open to the public on request!
    To the collections of the Faculty